Dongjing Kang

Dongjing Kang,美国俄亥俄大学传播学博士、内布拉斯加林肯分校传播学硕士、狄金森州立大学传播学学士、四川外国语大学英语专业文学学士。曾任教于美国佛罗里达海湾大学、科罗拉多大学-丹佛分校和俄亥俄大学。研究领域包括:跨文化/国际传播、组织传播、媒体与发展。曾在《跨文化与国际传播》、《定性研究》、《中华传播学》、《语言与跨文化传播》、《联合国教科文组织文化遗产保护》等国际学术杂志期刊上发表过篇论文。在联合国教科文组织、国际传播协会(ICA)和美国传播协会(NCA) 等国际会议发表论文40余篇。

2021年   美国传播学协会跨文化与国际传播分会最佳教师论文奖

2021年   美国传播学协会批判与文化研究分会最佳教师论文奖

2020年  美国传播协会中华传播学研究分会早期职业生涯教授奖

2017年   美国传播协会中华传播学研究分会杰出博士论文奖

2017年   东伊利诺伊大学跨学科研究中心全球多元化奖

2014年   俄亥俄大学   Enlight 奖学金

2013年   俄亥俄大学   Enlight 奖学金

Kang, D. (2020). A genealogy of the yellow race: Exploring racial formation in U.S.-China intercultural communication education [黄种人谱系:探索中美跨文化交流教育中的种族概念形成]. In A. Atay & Y.W. Chen (Eds.), Postcolonial turn and geopolitical uncertainty: Transnational critical intercultural communication pedagogy. Lexington Books.

Kang, D., Simmons, N., & Chen, Y.-W. (2018). Experiencing nonverbal communication between cultures [体验文化间的非语言交流]. In R. Williams-Davis & A. Patterson-Masuka (Eds.), Intercultural communication for global engagement (3rd edition, pp. 86-107). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Reprint.

Simmons, N., Chen, Y.-W., & Kang, D. (2015). Emotions in race talk in the post-Obama era: Unpacking a dialogic pedagogy of talking back [后奥巴马时代种族谈话中的情绪:解开一种对话式的回话式教学法]. In R. Williams- Davis & A. Patterson (Eds.), Communication for global engagement (Chapter 9). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

1. Kang, D. (已接收). Taming the barbarian empress: Post-alteric imaginary of gender egalitarianism and pan-Chinese nationalism in the Legend of Xiao Chuo [《燕云台》中性别平等与泛中华民族意识的后他者想象]. Communication, Culture, and Critique.

2. Kang, D., & Krone, K. J. (2022). Organizing dissonance on the Tibetan plateau: Insights from the wisdom of nonduality [藏区合作社组织新媒体谐震:来自不二之智的洞见]. Culture & Organization, 28(1), 25-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2021.1963963

3. Kang, D., & Li, Z. (2021). Home-in-language: Examining Tibetan migrants’ narratives of homeplace amid China’s urbanization [语言即家:中国城市化进程中藏族移民的家乡叙事研究]. Language & Intercultural Communication, 21(2), 174-189.https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2021.1876719

4. Ju, R., & Kang, D. (2021). A critical dialogical approach to teaching public relations students intercultural competence [以批判视角的对话教学法来增强公共关系学生的跨文化交流能力]. Journal of Public Relations Education, 7(1), 153-168. https://aejmc.us/jpre/?p=2412

5. Kang, D., & Rawlins, W. K. (2020). Living Eastern and Western understandings of dialogue and narrating practices of language revitalization in Tibet [东西方对话叙事理论在藏语保护中的传播实践]. Qualitative Inquiry, 26(3–4), 318–330. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800418807260       

6. Kang, D. (2020). Imagining China: Rhetorics of nationalism in an age of globalization [想象中国:全球化时代民族主义的修辞]. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 23(3), 624-627. https://doi.org/doi:10.14321/rhetpublaffa.23.3.0624

7. Kang, D. (2019). American political discourse on China [美国关于中国的政治话语]. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 105(3), 353-357. https://doi.org/doi:10.1080/00335630.2019.1623465

8. Musiba, M. C., & Kang, D. (2018). Towards a community-based conservation and sustainable use of Tanzania’s Heritage [以社区为基础保护和可持续运用坦桑尼亚自然文化遗产]. World Heritage and Sustainable Development in Africa, 225-232, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [联合国教科文组织]. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0026/002612/261283m.pdf

9. Kang, D., & Utah Sodeke, C. (2017). How dialogical are we really? Insights gleaned from (un)dialogical moments in ethnography [我们到底有多 ‘对话’?民族志中非对话时刻的见解]. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 6(4), 47-69. https://doi.org/10.1525/dcqr.2017.6.4.47

10. Kang, D., & Rawlins, W. K. (2017). Exploring languages preservation in Kham Tibet, learning from “Discourse in the Novel,” and writing a Dialogical/Bakhtinian ethnography [探索康区藏语保护:撰写巴赫金对话民族志]. Qualitative Inquiry, 23(8), 618-630. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800416684873 

11.Kang, D., Jia, M., & Ju, R. (2016). The expanding territory of organizational communication in China [逐渐扩大的中国组织传播学领域]. Chinese Journal of Communication, 3(9), 232-263.  https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2016.1202292 

12. Chen, Y.-W., Simmons, N., & Kang, D. (2015) “My family isn’t racist—however…”: Multiracial/Multicultural Obama-ism as an ideological barrier to teaching intercultural communication [“我的家人不是种族主义者......”:多种族/多文化奥巴马主义作为教授跨文化交流的意识形态障碍] . Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 8(2), 167-186. https://doi.org/10.1080/17513057.2015.1025331 
