

研究方向为新媒体环境下的亲密关系、媒介化传播(computer mediated communication)与政治传播


1. 张建中,李雪晴,曾苑(译)(2015)。传播与劝服:关于态度转变的心理学研究。中国人民大学出版社(书籍)。原著:Hovland, C. I., Janis, I. L., & Kelley, H. H. (1953). Communication and persuasion:Psychological studies of opinion change.

Li, X., & Chan, M. (2021). Smartphone uses and emotional and psychological well-being in China: the attenuating role of perceived information overload. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-11.

Li, X. (2021). Mobile-Mediated Communication in Romantic Relationships: The Effects of Communication Indicators and Love Attitude on Relationship Quality. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(7), 480-487.

Chan, M., & Li, Xueqing* (2020). Smartphones and psychological well-being in China: Examining direct and indirect relationships through social support and relationship satisfaction. Telematics and Informatics(SSCI), 54, 101469.

Li, Xueqing (2020). The more the better? A comparative study of the relationships among multimodal connectedness, online communication, and relational outcomes in China and the United States. Chinese Journal of Communication(SSCI), 1-20.

Li, Xueqing & Guo Lei (2018). Exposure to news about the South China Sea, nationalism, and government evaluation: Examining the mediation roles of third-person effects and online discussion. Chinese Journal of Communication(SSCI), 11(4), 455-472.

Chen Hsuan-Ting & Li Xueqing (2017). The contribution of mobile social media to social capital and psychological well-being: Examining the role of communicative use, friending and self-disclosure. Computers in Human Behavior(SSCI), 75, 958-965.

Li, Xueqing & Chan, M. (2017). Comparing social media use, discussion, political trust, and political engagement among university students in China and Hong Kong: An application of the O-S-R-O-R model. Asia Journal of Communication, 27(1), 65-81(SSCI).

Li, Xueqing, Lee, F.L.F. & Li, Y. (2016). The dual impact of social media under networked authoritarianism: Social media use, civic attitudes, and system support in China. International Journal of Communication, 10, 5143-5163(SSCI).


Book Chapter

Di Cui & Li, Xueqing (2020). Mobile messaging apps and relationship management: the case of WeChat in China. In Rich Ling (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Mobile Communication and Society. Oxford University Press.

  • 传播学理论

  • 新媒体导论

  • 传播学定性研究方法

  • 人际与群体传播

  • 学术英语
