



    获2017浦江人才计划资助,主持2018年上海市哲学社会科学青年课题。曾在Public Relations Review, International Journal of Communication ,International Journal of Business Communication, Mass Communication and Society, Telecommunications Policy, Asian Journal of Communication, Chinese Journal of Communication,《新闻大学》、《新闻记者》、《出版发行研究》等SSCI和CSSCI期刊发表学术论文。

1.上海市浦江人才    2017

2.太阳集团tyc5997第三届青年教师教学竞赛 三等奖

1.  李本乾,吴舫 (编).智媒时代:机遇与挑战(第四辑)[G].上海:太阳集团tyc5997出版社,2019

2.  李本乾,吴舫 (编).智媒时代:机遇与挑战(第三辑)[G].上海:太阳集团tyc5997出版社,2019

3.  李本乾,吴舫 (编).智媒时代:机遇与挑战(第二辑)[G].上海:太阳集团tyc5997出版社,2019

4.  李本乾,吴舫 (编).智媒时代:机遇与挑战(第一辑)[G].上海:太阳集团tyc5997出版社,2019

5.  李本乾,吴舫 (编著).智媒时代:交流与协商[G].上海:太阳集团tyc5997出版社,2018.

6.  Huang, Y. H., Wu, F., Cheng, Y., and Lyu, C. (2016). Crisis communication   research in Greater China. In Martin Löffelholz, Andreas Schwarz and Matthew Seeger (Eds.), The   Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research. New York:   Wiley‐Blackwell.



1.  Wu, F., &   Xu, D. (In press). Making the most effective strategy more effective:   Examining the situational and interaction effects of accommodative CCSs in corporate   crises. International Journal of Business Communication. [SSCI]

2.  Cui, D., &   Wu, F. (2020, Online first). The influence of media use on public perceptions   of artificial intelligence in China: Evidence from an online survey. Information   Development, 0266666919893411. [SSCI]

3.  Wu, F., & Cui, D. (2019). Making Peace or Holding a   Grudge? The Role of Publics' Forgiveness in Crisis Communication. International   Journal of Communication, 13, 27.[SSCI]

4.  Xu, D. & Wu, F. (2019). Exploring the   cosmopolitanism in China: examining mosheng ren (the stranger)   communication through Momo, Critical Studies in Media   Communication, 36(2), 122-139.[SSCI]

5. 崔迪, 吴舫.  算法推送新闻的知识效果——以今日头条为例[J]. 新闻记者, 2019(2):30-36.   [CSSCI期刊]

6.吴舫,崔迪.智能媒体时代的传播学研究:元问题与方法论[J].出版发行研究,2018(02):68-71. [CSSCI期刊,本文获2018年第6期中国人民大学复印报刊资料全文转载]

7. Wu, F., & Choy, C. H. Y. (2018). Frames and framing effects   in Chinese online and offline crisis communication: the case study of a   celebrity scandal. Chinese Journal of Communication, 11(3), 324-343. [SSCI]

8. Choy, C. H. Y., & Wu, F. (2018). Comparative case study: when   brands handle online confrontations. International Journal of Conflict   Management, 29(5), 640-658. [SSCI]

9. Di, C., & Fang,   W.(Corresponding author)  (2018). New   channels, new ways of becoming informed? Examining the acquisition of public   affairs knowledge by young people in China. Information Development,   0266666918782361. [SSCI]

10. Cui, D., & Wu,   F.(Corresponding author)  (2017).   Inter-media agenda setting in global news production: Examining agenda   attributes in newspaper coverage of the MH370 incident in the US, China, and   Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(6), 582-600. [SSCI]

11. Wu, F., Chen, Z., & Cui,   D. (2016). Business is business? Stakeholders and power distributions in   guanxi-related practices in the Chinese public relations profession: A   comparative study of Beijing and Hong Kong. Public Relations Review, 42(5):   867-878.   [SSCI]

12. Huang, Y. H., Wu, F.,   & Huang, Q. (2016). Does research on digital public relations indicate a   paradigm shift? An analysis and critique of recent trends. Telematics and   Informatics, 34(7): 1364-1376. [SSCI]

13. Wu, F., Huang, Y.H.,   & Kao, L. (2016). East meets West: A new contextual perspective for   crisis communication theory. Asian Journal of Communication,   26(4):350-370.[SSCI] 

14.Huang, Y.H.C., Wu, F.,   & Cheng, Y. (2016). Crisis communication in context: Cultural and   political influences underpinning Chinese public relations practice. Public   Relations Review, 42(1): 201-213. [SSCI]

15.Cui, D., &Wu,   F.(2016). Moral goodness and social orderliness: An analysis of the official   media discourse about Internet governance in China. Telecommunications   Policy, 40(2-3): 265-276. [SCI/SSCI]

16.Jiang, J., Huang, Y.   H., Wu, F., Choy, H. Y., & Lin, D. (2015). At the crossroads of inclusion   and distance: Organizational crisis communication during   celebrity-endorsement crises in China. Public Relations Review, 41(1), 50-63. [SSCI]


1.  Wu,   F. & Yang, F. H. (July, 2020). Entertainment education in media   convergence: How Super-Vocal and its fan texts influence fans’ high-brow   knowledge acquisition and music attendance intentions. Paper presented at the   2019 annual conference of the International Association for Media and   Communication Research (IAMCR), Tampere, Finland.

2.  Wu,   F. & Xu, D., (July, 2019). Media use and public perceptions of artificial   intelligence in China:   Evidence from   an online survey. Paper presented at the 2019 annual conference of the   International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR),   Madrid, Spain.

3.  崔迪,吴舫(2018年12月). 算法推送新闻的认知效果——以今日头条为例. 报告于第十一届中国青年传播学者论坛,西安,中国

4.  Wu,   F., Cui, D., & Xu, D., (May, 2018). Making peace or holding a grudge: the   role of publics’ forgiveness in crisis communication. Paper presented in the   2018 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association,   Prague, Czech Republic.

5.  Wu,   F., & Choy, C. H. Y. (May, 2018). Frames and framing effects in Chinese   online and offline crisis communication: the case study of a celebrity   scandal. Paper presented at the International Communication Association’s   68th Annual Post-conference: Voices of Chinese Scholars over the Last 40   years, Prague, Czech Republic. This paper won the Top Paper Award of the   post-conference.

6.  Wu,   F., Chen, Z., & Cui, D., (October, 2016). Business is business?   Stakeholders and power distributions in guanxi-related practices in the   Chinese public relations profession: A comparative study of Beijing and Hong   Kong. Paper presented at the 9th International Forum on Public Relations and   Advertising, Hong Kong, China

7.  Wu,   F. & Cui, D., (August, 2015). Inter-media agenda-setting across borders:   Examining newspaper coverage of MH370 incident by media in the U.S., China,   and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the   Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San   Francisco, the US.

8.  Huang,   Y.H., Choy, H.Y., Wu, F., Huang, Q., He, Q., & Xu, D., (August, 2015).   Minding the representation gap: Some pitfalls of linear crisis-response   theory. Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Association for   Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, the US.

9.  Wu,   F., (May, 2015). Inter-media Agenda setting and source routine in global   journalism: A comparative study of US and Chinese national newspapers in   MH370 incidence. Paper presented at the the 13th Annual International   Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens, Greece.

10. Huang,   Y. H., Li, Y., Wu, F., and Choy, H. Y. (August, 2014). Effectiveness of   Crisis Communication Strategy to Public Attitude across Crisis Types:   Revisiting Crisis Type and Perceived Goal of Communication in Chinese   Context. Paper presented at the 7th International Forum on Public Relations   and Advertising, Bangkok, Thailand.

11. Huang,   Y. H., Wu, F., and Huang, Q. (August, 2014). The Internet in Public Relations   Research: An Analysis and Critique of Its Temporal Development. Paper   presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for Education in   Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.

12. Huang,   Y. H., Wu, F., and Cheng, Y. (August, 2014). Crisis Communication in Context:   Cultural influence and institutional impact underpinning Chinese public   relations practice. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of the   Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal,   Canada.

13. Jiang,   J., Huang, Y. H., Wu, F., and Choy, H. Y. (August, 2014). At the Crossroads   of Inclusion and Distance: Organizational Crisis Communication during   Celebrity Endorsement Crises in China. Paper presented at the 7th   International Forum on Public Relations and Advertising, Bangkok, Thailand.

14. Wu,   F. (May, 2014). Guanxi-related practice in Chinese public relations   profession: A comparative study of Mainland and Hong Kong. Paper presented at   the 2014 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association,   Seattle, the US.

15. Wu,   F. (November, 2013). The evolving of Agenda-building theory from traditional   media to new media: A theory review from the perspective of powerful   audience. Paper presented at the 2013 Regional Conference of the   International Communication Association, Shanghai, China.

16. Wu,   F. & Zhang, F. (November, 2013). Online participation into social   movement: The Path Model of Mainland University Students in Different   Regions. Paper presented at the 2013 Regional Conference of the International   Communication Association, Shanghai, China.

17. Huang,   Y. H., Wu, F., Cheng, Y., and Lyu, C. (October, 2013). Crisis communication   research in Greater China. Paper presented at the 3rd International   Conference on Crisis Communication in the 21st Century, ComCenterBrühl,   Erfurt, Germany.





1. 2018年上海市哲学社会科学青年课题:公众信息参与对危机传播效果的影响机理研究——基于数字平台逻辑的考察(2018EXW003)

2. 2017年上海市浦江人才计划:互联网+环境下公众信息安全风险认知与管理行为形成和引导机制研究(17PJC066)

3. 2016年太阳集团tyc5997青年教师启动计划:新媒体使用对公众风险认知和风险管理行为的影响



Academic English(MA and PhD in New Media Studies)

New Media and Crisis Communication(MAin New Media Studies)
