Faculty & Research
Kanni Huang
Assistant Professor in Film and Television

Kanni Huang received her Ph.D. degree at Media & Information Studies, Michigan State University. Before earning the government’s scholarship for her Ph.D. program, Kanni Huang worked in the media production industry in Taiwan for about a decade. She started her media career as a screenwriter and television program planner. Later, she joined Public Television Service and made more than 40 short TV documentaries focusing on environmental issues, ranging from local wildlife conservation to global climate change.

The years of media work on environmental issues have stimulated Huang’s research interests in environmental journalism. In 2010, she joined the research team at the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism. Her work with the Knight Center has been presented at environmental journalist’ training workshops, national convergence journalism conference, and the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA). In 2012, her paper examining regional journalists’ climate change knowledge won the best Oral Presentation Award at MSU’s Graduate Academic Conference.

Huang’s research interests focus on environmental journalism and climate change information, environmental communication with the adoption of new media technologies, and public engagement in deliberation and decision-making process. She has received the CAS Summer Research Excellence Fellowship for three years as well as the Dissertation Completion Fellowship. Her research papers have been published in Computers and Human Behavior Journal, Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication and Environmental Communication Journal
