Faculty & Research
Michel Dupagne
Professor in Journalism and Communication
Jianqiang Li
Yan Ge
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Huilin Hu
Dongsen Distinguished Professor of Cultural Industry and Management
Ph.D. Supervisor
Hong Jiang
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Director of Division for Development of Liberal Arts at SJTU
Benqian Li
Dean of SMD
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Kanghua Li
Vice Dean
Professor of Cultural Industry and Management
Ph.D. Supervisor
Jinzhu Ling
Associate Head of The Department of Cultural Industry and Management
Professor of Cultural Industry and Management
Ph.D. Supervisor
Shilin Liu
Professor of Film and Television
Ph.D. Supervisor
Wu Li
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Xiaojing Li
Vice Dean
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Yizhong Li
Head of The Department of Film and Television
Professor of Film and Television
Ph.D. Supervisor
Director of American Film Research Center
Guosong Shao
Vice Dean
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Qingyan Tong
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Jilong Wang
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Ran Wei
Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Jinwen Xie
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Yungeng Xie
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Ke Xue
Head of The Department of Journalism and Communication
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Jian Xu
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Junxi Yao
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Director of Chinese Visual Communication Research Center of SJTU
Xinbao Yao
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisior
Guoliang Zhang
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Director of Global Communication Research Institute
Yi Zhao
Distinguished Advisor of SMD
Professor of Journalism and Communication
Ph.D. Supervisor
Former vice-president of Tai Wan Eastern Media Group
Hong Zhou
Professor of Cultural Industry and Management
Director of Digital Media Art Institute