
Deadline extended until December 31: 2021“China Through My Eyes

阅读:3898 发布于:2021-10-28 10:03

In order to enhance international students’ knowledge of Chinese culture and society, and to cultivate their innovative, creative and entrepreneurial abilities in new media communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University will hold the 2020 "China Through My Eyes” Short Video Contest for International Students in China.

In 2019, the first "China Through My Eyes” Short Video Contest for International Students in China was hosted by the School of Media and Communication of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, partnering with Universities including Communication University of China, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, and Beijing Foreign Studies University. 

It also got professional support from several media such as Shanghai United Media Group, Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group, and Since the contest started, it has received positive responses from international students from various universities across the country. International students from 41 countries or regions submitted their works. The winning videos were showcased on Tencent Video, with nearly 4 million views in the first week after going online.


Winners of first "China Through My Eyes” Short Video Contest for International Students in China


In this year’s contest, students with foreign nationality currently enrolled in universities in China are eligible to participate as individuals or in teams. They are encouraged to film short videos about China in their eyes using their mobile phones or other devices. Videos should be 1-5 minutes long in the contestant’s native language or in English with Chinese or English subtitles, focusing on the "China Through My Eyes" theme. Videos should be submitted to the website: Contest results will be announced by the Organizing Committee on the contest website as well as on websites of the host and the organizer. Winning teams and individuals will receive their prizes at the awards ceremony. Their videos will be displayed on well-known media platforms.


Contest Information

I. Name of Activity

2021 "China Through My Eyes": Short Video Contest for International Students in China

II. Purpose

To enhance international students’ knowledge of Chinese culture and society;

To present China’s culture and standing to the world from an objective and authentic perspective; and

To build bridges between international and Chinese students to increase their communication exchanges and mutual understanding.

III. Organizations

(1) Host

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Xinhua News (Shanghai Branch)

China Global Television Network (CGTN)

Shanghai United Media Group

(2) Organizer

School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

International Affairs Division, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

(3) Partners

Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Communication University of China, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sen University, Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Xiamen University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Sichuan University, Jinan University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Nanjing Normal University, Chongqing University, Soochow University, Nanchang University, Shanghai University, East China University of Political science and Law, Shanghai Theatre Academy

(4) Media Support

Xinhua News Agency, China Central Television (CCTV),, Shanghai United Media Group, Shanghai Media Group,,

(5) Contest Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee of the contest will be jointly set up by the host and the organizer to handle key decision-making and work out detailed procedures and rules of the contest.

IV. Participants

Students with foreign nationality currently enrolled in universities in China are eligible to participate in this video contest.

V. Contest Details

(1) Language Requirements

Videos are required to be produced in the contestant’s native language or in English with Chinese or English subtitles.

(2) Video Requirements

Contestants will produce a short video, within 5 minutes, in their native language or in English with Chinese or English subtitles based on the "China Through My Eyes" theme and their personal experiences in China. The video can include speeches, interviews, stories, talent shows, or any other content the contestant wishes to present.

Contestants can apply to this video competition as individuals or in teams.

Considering the impact of the global epidemic, it is not limited that the video must be shot in China, as long as it focuses on the theme and can reflect the China in the eyes of international students.

(3) How to Participate

Contestants will submit their videos to the website designated by the Organizing Committee.

Winners will be selected by an expert-based Review Committee.

VI. Video submitted and reviewed

This video contest is subject to four timelines:

(1) Video Submission:  until December 31, 2021

Contestants will submit their videos to the website designated by the Organizing Committee.

Videos should be 1-5 minutes long in the contestant’s native language or in English with Chinese or English subtitles, focusing on the "China Through My Eyes" theme. Originality, creativity, aesthetics, and artistic value will be key judgment criteria.

Videos should be submitted to the website:

(Username format: Name-Nationality, e.g.: Sam Smith-France)

Video specifications: H.264, 8Mbps, MP4 version, HD 1080p

(2) Expert Reviewing: January 1, 2022- January 15, 2022

A Review Committee will evaluate all the submitted videos and recommend winning videos to the Organizing Committee.

(3) Results Announcement: January 16, 2022- January 21, 2022

The organizing committee shall announce the final results of the competition on the designated website of the competition and the websites of the host, organizers and parterners.

(4) Winner Notifications and Awards Ceremony: January 2022

Results will be announced by the Organizing Committee on the contest website as well as on websites of the host and the organizer. Winning teams and individuals will receive their prizes at a concluding ceremony.


VII. Awards

Grand Prize: 1 winner, 30,000 CNY

First Prize: 2 winners, 15,000 CNY each

Second Prize: 3 winners, 10,000 CNY each

Third Prize: 15 winners, 4,000 CNY each


VIII. Review Committee

The Organizing Committee will invite renowned experts in areas of video production, overseas studies, cultural exchanges, and international communication to form a Review Committee for the contest.


IX. Contact Information

Please contact Organizing Committee Secretariat if you have any question.

Address: A104 School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

No 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, 200240

Telephone: 021-34208622


Submission website:
