
What did SMC International Student Say on SJTU Commencement Day?

阅读:1560 发布于:2023-04-12 11:11

Lazar Dragic (Chinese name 李秋龙), an outstanding graduate from the School of Media and Communication who came from Serbia, shared his insights and advice for future freshmen during an interview on SJTU commencement day on March 25th  with our school reporter Yow Zi Ing, a Master student in SMC from Malaysia. The interview video was widely reported by mainstream media, including on People’s Daily. Following is script of the interview.


(1) Did you still remember the feeling when you first came to SJTU?

L: I was very excited at the time because I always wanted to do my master's, and SJTU is a perfect place for me. I was very excited and thrilled to begin this whole journey.


(2) If you were a freshman now, what would you say to yourself?

L: Keep fighting, and all the issues can be solved. There is a secret key for every problem that you may encounter in your life.


(3) What’s your favourite location at SJTU?

L: Our new school building is a perfect place especially our SMC library. From a nature perspective, I like the lake near Si Yuan Men. That lake is very peaceful, and sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I like to go there and just sit and enjoy the tranquillity.


(4) What was your most memorable moment/experience at SJTU?

L: The school graduation ceremony we had for our department yesterday.


(5) What’s one lesson you learned from SJTU that you value the most?

L: There is a solution to every problem. So, whatever problems you encounter in your life, whether it's in your personal or academic life, you can find a solution and overcome them.


(6) Have you achieved any unforgettable accomplishments at SJTU?

L: The most significant accomplishment is probably presenting at the ICA conference, which is the top conference in our field of communication, even though it was held online through Zoom. I still feel that not many people had the opportunity to present at that conference.


(7) Who do you want to thank the most during your study?

L: I will have to go with my supervisor, Professor Xue Ke, because she was always there for me, whether it was academic or personal issues. She was always ready to help. Also, Professor Penn, Ye ZiTing, who guided me through my PhD applications.


(8) What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

L: Stay open-minded because whatever you think you're supposed to do here may change, but as long as you work hard, you will have no issue.


(9) What are your plans after graduation?

L: I will be continuing my education as a PhD student. I have received an offer from Hong Kong University.


(10) If you could leave some words to your future self, what would they be?

L: Don't change your positive view on life. It can be challenging at times, but staying positive will take you a long way.


(11) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

L: I see myself becoming a faculty member in ten years, probably after four years of PhD studies and six years to achieve the level of associate professor.
