
SMC International Students Gathering

阅读:2094 发布于:2023-03-02 16:36

On March 1st 2023, the gathering for SMC international students in Shanghai with faculty occurred with joy and success. The students met and talked with School Party Secretary Peng Dayin, Vice Secretary Li Chunmei along with other faculty and staff involved with international students education and service including Dr. Wang Qian, Dr. Zhang Lianshan, Ms Peng Yaya, Ms Yang Xi and Ms Zhang Lutong who attended the meeting.


International students from 12 different countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, the United States, Poland, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, and Uganda attended this gathering. The student-teacher interactions allowed individuals from undergraduate to postgraduate to understand the goals for SMC including our future missions and visions. Secretary Peng and professors welcomed international students and encouraged them to explore the Chinese culture during their time in Shanghai. Secretary Peng talked about the school’s plans for international students’ education and development including setting up field trip destinations for international students to visit fascinating Chinese landmarks, forming international student unions and alumni associations.


After listening to Secretary Peng’s welcoming speech, professors and students in attendance gave self-introductions that highlighted their origins as well as their own experience of study and life in Shanghai. Afterwards, the students enjoyed food, coffee and fruits prepared for them while talking with one another. Therefore, feedbacks were gathered from the students on how they have enjoyed their time at SJTU as well as the suggestions that they have for SMC. These feedbacks could further improve the learning and living experiences of future international students who intend to study at SJTU.


